What's new on tomHRM
21 May 2024
Intranet Improvement

Control over category layout in the Knowledge Base

Simplifyng the presentation of categories in the company's Knowledge Base.

Is the alphabetical or historical layout of categories in the Knowledge Base not clear to employees? Let's change that! Thanks to this update, it's now possible.

Management of the category layout is available to the administrator of the Knowledge Base section in the Intranet module.

You can manage the category layout from the Knowledge Base administration → Content Management > Knowledge Categories using drag & drop. The created setting will be the default setting for all user accounts.

In the same view, you can add new categories and edit existing ones. Changing the setting affects the entire category, along with its subcategories.

Can employees choose the view that suits them? 

Yes! Each Knowledge Base user can individually decide whether they want the categories in their Knowledge Base view to be sorted: 

  • alphabetically 
  • according to the default layout chosen by the administrator.

The button to select the category sorting method is located on the right side in the Knowledge Base view → https://tomhrm.app/knowledge