What's new on tomHRM
12 March 2024
ATS improvement
New filters for GDPR consents in the Candidates view
This improvement allows for considering the type of GDPR consent given by the candidate when listing candidates.

The filtration supports logical operators AND / OR, which allow for creating any combinations within the consent-based filtering.

At any time, you can now:

  • List candidates who have (or have not) consented to specific actions (e.g., profiling or participating in future recruitments), 
  • List candidates who simultaneously meet two or more conditions (e.g., consented to participate in future recruitments but have not consented to profiling),
  • List candidates whose specific consents expire within a specified time.

GDPR consent filters can, of course, be combined with other filtering parameters. For example, listing all unviewed or rejected candidates who have consented to participate in other recruitment processes, and this consent will still be active for at least 30 days.

Checking which candidates can participate in another recruitment process has never been easier!

After filtering the candidates, you can collectively:

  • move them to another recruitment, 
  • assign them to a Talent Pool, 
  • share them, 
  • permanently delete them.