17 października 2023

Exporting Candidate Responses from Application Forms to XLS

Many ATS users have eagerly awaited this functionality. The ability to export candidate responses to selection questions from application forms will allow for further processing outside the tomHRM system, without the need for utilizing an API.

The export of responses has been designed following the 'privacy by design' standard, meaning that data is exported without including the candidates' personal information but is labeled with their unique ID number. This approach maintains data anonymity when it is required for statistical analysis while also providing the means to associate responses with specific candidates when necessary within the organization.

Exporting responses to selection questions can be used for various purposes, including:

  • Creating statistical reports regarding specific selection questions.
  • Analyzing trends in candidate behavior and expectations (e.g., acceptance of remote or on-site work).
  • Evaluating the sources of candidate acquisition in the context of specific form parameters (e.g., proficiency in technologies or foreign languages).