What's new on tomHRM
05 July 2023
new trainings
Training Requests - New Features!

The Trainings module has received two important functionalities to facilitate the handling of training needs requests.

These are: 

➡️ Comments, mentions, and email notifications within the requests.
➡️ Catalog of reasons for rejecting training requests.

Comments can be added to the details of a submitted request regardless of its status. They support mentions using the @username feature, which is already familiar to users of modules such as Requests, Time Off, and ATS. Any employee notified via a mention will receive an email notification.

Mentions and comments can be used, for example, to further specify training needs or provide additional information about a specific training or conference submitted by an employee.

On the other hand, the rejection reasons catalog enables better management of employee development and provides necessary feedback.

The closed catalog of reasons, which can be managed by the Training module administrator, allows:

  • Maintaining communication consistency within the organization.
  • Minimizing employee demotivation after receiving a decline.
  • Avoiding the risk of a manager inadequately explaining the reason for rejecting an employee's training request.